Play Your Hand


Well this year hasn’t been quite the game  we had been hoping to play.  As we all know, 2020 was quite a wild one for all, yet for many as the world opens back up tentatively as 2021 comes to a close, some cards will be held close to the chest, if played at all.

Now, I have always been one to take the phrase “play the cards you’ve been dealt’  with aplomb.  I’ve adapted, I’ve bent and shaped myself to work in the world now, as a carer, as someone who has been changed in every single fibre of my being, to accept and adjust to  live the best life possible with what I have before me.

And oh my, what a gift of life we have, despite it all.  

Yet sometimes, it’s tough. Sometimes, life just comes at us and there is nothing we can do but surrender to it.  Life can become disrupted on various fronts: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, physically, or relationships. And for us right now, no amount of positivity and love and light can polish potential homelessness and unexpected health complications.

I have been open from the start, that this platform comes from a place of experience, of lived life, of my navigations and wisdom learnt along the way.  Now, I am listening to my own wisdom. 

To be still. Keep it simple. To pause. To listen. To rest. To focus on the minute before me, not worrying about the next until it arrives.


Whilst I handle some particularly challenging events, I deemed it wise to hold off from sharing The North Star with you all. To stay true to my own wisdom and learning, sometimes you have to surrender.  To make room for the life complexities, something has to give and right now, this is my work.  Not completely, I will still be leading and guiding, sharing through Instagram and posts, like this one. Yet the full course, where I offer so much of myself, needs to be delivered when I am at my best self.  And I confess, I am not feeling that so much right now. 

The course will be led by me, over six weeks, each one exploring a different aspect of life and life and how to use tools to guide you and stay steady. It’s me giving, radiating outwardly. It’s vibrating love and energy to lift you all. So please understand why, right now, I have to radiate it inwardly.

Things will get lighter and brighter, as they always do. The cycles of good in bad and bad in the good. Nothing can take away my power, I have survived and lived through so much to know, there is a way through. The storms, the terrain, it’s all surmountable.

Until it rains again or the next peak approaches.  I share with deep honesty, grace and awareness; I know this cycle all too well, which is why I am protecting my energy levels and knowing how this one may well unfold. 

And the knowing I speak of, we all know. Yet without clarity or a clear understanding of what's happening to us, we can find ourselves lost or overwhelmed by the chaos, unforeseen challenges, and turbulence. Allowing the knowing, listening to the knowing, that’s our power andl I am here to hold space and share it all with you. There will be a short delay but I promise to deliver. To guide and share, how to harness, connect and process. To ultimately guide yourself home; to your knowing. To play the cards dealt and show you my hand. All the answers are within, they truly are. And I can’t wait to hold the mirror for you to see it all yourself. 

By Syreeta Challinger




We Are The Map Makers