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Leaven is founded on the principle that life experiences change us for the better. We believe that sharing a story of what has happened to you is one of the most simple yet life affirming experiences. 

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Our space welcomes and gathers people together across boundaries of gender, age, race, geography, politics, and religion. As no one should have to navigate life’s challenges alone.

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Hold space, encourage rejuvenation of your inner life, outer life, and life itself. Through content, courses, workshop experiences, speaking events, we accompany you on this path with practical tools, we support, guide through change and transformation.

This space is designed to help you better understand yourself. To allow room for reflection, to build resilience and repair. To support you to invest in yourself. We understand self care and love as the most reliably transformative muscle of humanity and deeper connection to not only yourself but to others.

By the end of an episode, course or read of a blog post, to be left feeling a little better.

 By sharing our experiences we lift each other up and come to understand that no matter what you’re going through, there is a way through. Our intention is to offer hope, beauty, and courage in everything we do.

Our Story


Founded by Syreeta Challinger, Leaven is a space she sought when facing trauma and catastrophic change. It’s created in response to her personal experiences through navigating brain injury, as a carer, as a mother.

During the last 6 years, Syreeta has faced a myriad of life’s challenges, grief, loss, the place of unknowing each day. 

Syreeta’s work and her words, the writing and spoken, guides people alongside her journey of healing and recovery, inspiring others on their own path. 

It’s through this work, in response to her experiences, Syreeta shared Rob and her journey through Moments Of Sense & Style.  As a creative yet healing project, it was cathartic and helped both of them through the darkest of times.  It’s through Moments Of Sense & Style that Leaven naturally evolved.  Syreeta speaks with grace and reverence, with her humanist and grounded approach to life’s challenges to empower others to find their way through too. That life can be lived on your own terms.  This space is a response to Syreeta’s deeply personal journey and her wish to share her learning with others, to support the world we navigate.


Invest in yourself