The North Star

When you’ve been through hard times, it’s hard to stay steady and remember yourself.  To remember that our inner world reflects our outer and it is only through curiosity, questioning and honest reflection that we can begin to unlock our truth and navigate our way through. 

Where we are in tune with our inner compass, we maintain balance. It’s an ever evolving process and relationship, one that requires attention and practice. Through self study and through this community of workshops, we bring you closer to yourself and finding your way.


This course will hold you and guide you towards healing, transformation and growth.



This course will hold you and guide you towards healing, transformation and growth. By introducing you to ancient rituals and wisdom, philosophy and psychology, practices of movement and meditation, we will guide you through personal exploration. Guide you towards your purpose and expansion of self. The ultimate teacher is you, we simply share learnt experiences, the teachings we have absorbed, with clear and kind guidance so that the discoveries and journey are all your own. 

You are the map maker. This course helps bring who you truly are into your life, to help you realise your full potential. To help you become more fluent in the highest capabilities and gifts of your own to then be able to rise to the great challenges and promise the world faces.



About Syreeta

Hello. I have been through many of life’s shattering experiences, divorce, trauma, racism, grief, loss. The most formative being in 2014, my husband Rob suffered a catastrophic brain haemorrhage and stroke. We lost our homes, jobs, health, identity, everything overnight. I know, this sounds like a lot.  It is. And it is something I still deal with on a daily basis. Yet I am only human. I have found my way through, with a lot of inner work and seeking solace whilst navigating tumultuous changes.  I’ve created this space as it’s something I sincerely longed for when going through the toughest of times. I longed for space that was inclusive, accessible, non judgemental. I am not a guru, nor will I be able to provide the answers you seek.  My role is as a guide to help you, to shed light for you in a dark situation, to guide you through to a path where you have a greater understanding of your ability and where you want to be. Everything I share has helped me and is gathering of the tools I have picked up along my path.