Gail Love-Schock


Gail Love Shock is an Inter Faith Minister & Prosperity teacher who offers counsel and guidance to the spiritually curious. I discovered Gail’s work at a time when I was seeking solace in faith, in something, I simply wasn’t sure who or what. Gail is the ultimate example of no matter what you’re going through, there is a way through, having taken her past success and life in performing arts, her heartaches through personal grief and trauma and forged a path right back to where her heart and whisperings began as a child; being curious about faith and supporting the community with her gifts. Gail’s joy and wonder is infectious, her voice and manner soothe and inspire all at once and I was thrilled she was able to share some of her story with me. We have never met and only interacted online through social media, when I took part in a group workshop of Gails a few years ago. It’s curious how we end up finding our way back to our true selves and I loved hearing how Gail found her path back home, as we delved in the nature of being human and how much is all before us, if only we could simply see it and hear it.


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Rabya Lomas


Penny Wincer