Ruth Ridgeway


Ruth Ridgeway, Designer & Business Strategist and I have bizarre parallels. We have both had our worlds shattered by events in 2014. Ruth’s partner had an accident which left him with impactful life changing injuries and nothing has been the same ever since.  We were introduced a couple of years ago by the wonderful due at Project Love, Selina and Vicki were working with Ruth on their brilliant journal, goodbye/hello where each year they guide you through self work and how to reach our goals and ambitions and I had just met Vicki to record for their podcast. It was during this time we connected on Instagram and we have been cheering each other on ever since from the side lines.  We have never spoken properly nor met, yet have an affinity of knowing. Ruth is a wonderful soul who has held things together through the power of love, whilst caring and using creativity to guide herself through, something I wholeheartedly relate to. 


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Penny Wincer


Kishen Parmar